April 18, 2018
Having a primary care provider is important and some health insurance plans even require you to select one. But does that provider need to be a doctor (MD)? The good news is your primary care provider doesn’t need to be an MD. They can be an advanced nurse practitioner (APRN) or physician assistant (PA). We’re here to explain the differences between MDs, APRNs and PAs.Have you ever called Renown Health to schedule an appointment with your doctor and the Contact Center offered you an earlier appointment with an APRN or PA? Did you wonder why? Perhaps you even declined because you were concerned about the continuity of your care, or wondered about the qualifications of the other practitioners who aren’t doctors. We’re here to answer your important questions about primary care providers and the different types.
Both APRNs and Pas are just as qualified as doctors (MDs and DOs) to conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, write prescriptions and even deliver babies. There are some instances where you need a doctor, including specialized treatment of complicated or high risk conditions or surgery. Your APRN or PA will refer you to a doctor in those instances. You don’t need to worry about whom to see when – your care team will guide you based on your medical needs.
Definitely. APRNs and PAs make excellent primary care providers and can be established with your insurance company.
Learn more about the differences between doctors, APRNs, PAs and more with this handy infographic.
Renown Medical Group primary care providers provide annual exams by appointment.
Our providers coordinate each patient’s medical care including checkups, immunizations, referrals to specialists, lab work, X-ray & imaging and hospital admissions.
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