Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie seen in Long Island high school yearbook pics

New photos have emerged of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie in their Long Island high school yearbook — taken years before the 22-year-old would wind up dead on their ill-fated cross-country trip together.

Images obtained by Fox News of Bayport-Blue Point High School’s yearbook show Petito, then a sophomore, wearing a white blouse as she flashes a wide smile with her blond hair flowing over her shoulders, while the T-shirt-clad Laundrie, a junior, offers a closed-mouth smile.

Unlike the recent photos that show him bald, the teen has a close-cropped head of hair as well as a slight beard.

Despite attending the Suffolk County school at the same time, the two only began dating after they graduated, a family spokesman told Fox News.

The couple started going out in March 2019 and Petito marked their one-year anniversary with an Instagram post.

“Brian asked me to marry him and I said yes!” Petito wrote on July 2, 2020. “@bizarre_design_ you make life feel unreal, and everyday is such a dream with you.”

But despite the appearance of bliss, their friends described their relationship as on-again, off-again, according to a recent report in People.

“They had very high highs and very low lows. But she always said he was a good boyfriend,” Petito’s high school pal Alyssa Chen told the mag, adding that she “never saw any sort of physical abuse.”

Laundrie, 23, who returned to Florida from the trek out west without Petito on Sept. 1, remains the sole person of interest in the case. He went missing on Sept. 14, according to his parents, who only reported it to police three days later.

There is an active warrant for his arrest on fraud charges for allegedly using someone’s bank card around the time Petito disappeared.

Petito was officially reported missing Sept. 11 and later found dead in Wyoming.

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